Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Green and Orange Plaid

I cannot sew. There. I've said it. This is a fact that often surprises people. It is often assumed that owning the sheer amount of clothing that I do- it would be a natural skill to posses. Its not a skill that I haven't tried to learn. Just one of those things that my brain does not seem to be able to compute. 5 years of sewing classes at school and I still cannot thread up a sewing machine. Apparently it is so (sew! hehe) painful to watch me hand stitch that I get the needle taken off me. I always envy people that have this skill. I think it would be the coolest thing to be able to change outfits, take patterns from the good ones to replicate and even just fix stuff.

This skirt is an item that reminds me of my lack of skills in this area. The zip has been broken now for the last 4 years. Yes. 4 years. I have it held together with safety pins. Not the classiest fix- but it works.

I have owned this skirt for quite a while now. It must be coming into the 6th year of solid wear now. There is something really Wintery about a good brightly coloured plaid. It looks so good with black tights and a black jersey. You don't get much brighter than Kermit green and Tangerine orange!

I briefly attempted making this a year round skirt. It did not take long to realise that the colouring is nowhere near as effective when put directly next to my skin colour. Definitely a combo to keep against the black of my Winter tights legs.

I have teamed it with the standard long sleeved V neck top, black tights and boots and a green ribbon for my hair.

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